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Who and what is Basallt?
Andy Brown
Basallt [bas-salt] is Andy Brown. I'm a maker of things by heart and a graphic designer by training.
That's led me to create products for creatives like The Print Handbook and Swatchos.
And it's why I love helping businesses and their people be the best they can be by creating well crafted logos and rock solid websites.
Basallt & Basalt
The business name Basallt [bas-salt] is inspired by the name of a type of rock – basalt (one L). It's a rock that makes up the Giant's Causeway stones here on the north coast of Northern Ireland.
Good chunks of the moon are made from basalt as well. When you look up and see the darker patches – that's basalt.
Check out Swatchos, the Print Handbooks and more on the shop page.
Check out Swatchos, the Print Handbooks and more on the shop page.